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Title and Description Language Country

Face-to-face training

Optimal data usage in manufacturing with Industrial Edge (TIA-EDGEON)
This course teaches you what is Siemens industrial EDGE. You will be introduced to the concept and you will learn how to use Industrial Edge devices and Industrial E...
en FI
en FI

Face-to-face training

Optimal data usage in manufacturing with Industrial Edge (TIA-EDGEON)
Use and analyze the data from your machines and systems. Also ensure that the corresponding software, operating system and cybersecurity are always up-to-date and se...
mu, en, fr, nl BE
mu, en, fr, nl BE

Face-to-face training

Utilizzo ottimale dei dati di produzione con Industrial Edge (TIA-EDGEON)
In order to provide you with the best possible support and training in your personal learning environment (own office/home office), we have implemented selected cour...
it IT
it IT

Face-to-face training

Utilizzo ottimale dei dati di produzione con Industrial Edge. Transizione 5.0 con attestazione finale superamento esame. (IT5P-TIA-EDGEON)
In order to provide you with the best possible support and training in your personal learning environment (own office/home office), we have implemented selected cour...
it IT
it IT
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