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Face-to-face training

PROFINET und H-Systeme in der Prozessautomatisierung (ST-PCS7PNH)
Lernen Sie von Siemens, wie Sie mit dem zukunftsweisenden PROFINET als offener Industrial Ethernet-Standard die Prozessautomatisierung auf der Feldebene...
de DE
de DE

Face-to-face training

PROFINET mit SIMATIC Controllern (TIA Portal) (IK-PNCOM)
PROFINET gives you new ways to boost your productivity with four key advantages – openness, flexibility, efficiency, and performance. This course teaches you the...
de DE
de DE

Face-to-face training

OPC UA – Basics and Configuration (IK-OPCUA1E)
This training offers you a detailed introduction into the basic concepts of the OPC UA system and its interfaces. You will learn the terminology behind the abstract...
en FI
en FI

Face-to-face training

OPC UA System Course (IK-OPCSYS)
This training offers you a detailed introdocution into the basic concepts of the OPC UA system and its interfaces. You will learn the terminology behind the abstract...
mu, fr, nl BE
mu, fr, nl BE

Face-to-face training

Certified PROFINET Network Engineer (IK-PNOCPNE)
Mit PROFINET hat die PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation (PNO) einen offenen und herstellerübergreifenden Industrial Ethernet Standard für den Feldbereich definiert. Um die...
de DE
de DE

Face-to-face training

Diagnostics and Optimization of Industrial Wireless LAN (IK-IWLANA)
The functionality and reliability of WLAN networks are always dependent on the structural environment as well as other sources of interference such as neighboring...
mu, en BE
mu, en BE

Face-to-face training

Security Grundlagen für die Prozessindustrie (ST-SECPA1)
The training is designed to deliver an overview of the secure operation of plants in the process industry. Participants are introduced to the dangers for industrial...
de DE
de DE

Face-to-face training

PROFINET con controllori SIMATIC in TIA Portal (IK-PNCOM)
The increasing digitalization of companies and the resulting networking in almost all areas is opening up tremendous economic potential. For that matter, PROFINET and...
it IT
it IT

Face-to-face training

Wireless LAN em Redes Industriais. (IK-IWLANS)
Ao final do curso, você estará familiarizado com os requisitos especiais das soluções de rede industrial e terá o conhecimento para planejar, implementar e fornecer...
pt BR
pt BR

Face-to-face training

Switching and Routing in Industrial Networks mit SCALANCE (IK-SWIROS)
An industrial or industry-related environment without Ethernet is no longer conceivable. A high degree of reliability and sufficient capacities are demanded from...
mu, en BE
mu, en BE
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