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Customer information

Building automation
Tomas Wahlström

tel: +46 (70) 8719741

Industri Automation
Therése Fagerström
tel: +46 (8) 728 14 48


Masterdrives service & underhåll (DR-MD-IH)


  • As a maintenance engineer you learn to be able to quickly detect and localize faults in AC-drives (SIMOVERT Masterdrives VC, MC) and check the central functions of an AC-drive system. You will be ableto localize the cause of a fault within the drive system (converter, motor) and to rectify faults.
Type Face-to-face training
Duration 2 days
Language sv

Target Group

  • Maintenance personnel


  • Principle of operation and function of AC-drives:
  • Basic functions of converter, inverter, motor and control
  • Hardware structure of converters for selected power classes
  • Software structure: Setpoints, control and control circuits
  • Troubleshooting practical training:
    • Interpretation of internal fault messages
    • Functional diagnostics of rectifier, inverter, power supply and internal interface modules
    • Device-internal hardware tests
    • Measures for motor replacement, i.e. data comparison, reoptimization
    • Intensive application of the tools DriveMonitor for the analysis of faults and signals
    • Procedures for the replacement of a processor boards
    • Operational check
    • Gathering and evaluating fault information


  • Basic knowledge of electrical engineering.


  • The training is in Swedish language with english course material. Masterdrives CUVC are used for practical exercises.


15,300 SEK

