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Customer information

Building automation
Tomas Wahlström

tel: +46 (70) 8719741

Industri Automation
Therése Fagerström
tel: +46 (8) 728 14 48


  1. Industriautomation
  2. Digital Enterprise
  3. COM-AES - Description

COMOS Training Administration Easy Scripting (COM-AES)


  • The training conveys the first steps for the topic “Scripting in COMOS“ and is directly
  • extending the base data know-how you have gained in “Administration Base Objects”. It
  • contains simple, practice oriented examples how attribute values or objects symbols are
  • controlled und automated by scripts. Focus is the usage and configuration of prepared,
  • “ready to use” codes (in VB Script) with IF and FOR-statements.
Type Face-to-face training
Duration 1 day
Language sv

Target Group

  • COMOS administrators, starting with scripting in COMOS
  • Please note:
  • This training is not supposed to convey programming methods and skills in a fundamental
  • and structured way.
  • So, for your training success practical programming skills are not required, but you should
  • bring interest, curiosity and affinity for this topic.


  • Calculating attribute values
  • Dynamic attribute values
  • Extending object symbols
  • Extending the context menu


  • COMOS Training Administration Base Objects (COM-ABO)
  • Please note:
  • This training is not supposed to convey programming methods and skills in a fundamental
  • and structured way.
  • So, for your training success practical programming skills are not required, but you should
  • bring interest, curiosity and affinity for this topic.


9,700 SEK

