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Building automation
Tomas Wahlström

tel: +46 (70) 8719741

Industri Automation
Therése Fagerström
tel: +46 (8) 728 14 48


  1. Industriautomation
  2. Simatic S7 Classic
  3. ST-PRO1 - Description

Simatic S7 programmering 1 (ST-PRO1)

  • Tid: 4 dagar, måndagen startar kl. 13:00 och fredagen slutar 13:00.


  • The training is a good basis for more specialized and in-depth training within Simatic. We are going through the programming tool Step 7. The training provides knowledge of the electrical and mechanical structure of the control system, as well as hardware configuration and program management where we go through logic functions, speech processing and analog value handling. We walk through the system information and diagnostic tools for quick troubleshooting and learn how to use different data types for memory management and archiving. We also review communication via MPI- the interface and communication with Profibus DP.
Type Face-to-face training
Duration 4 days
Language sv

Target Group

  • The training is aimed at those who have experience in planning, programming and commissioning of control systems.


  • The systems in the Simatic S7 series
  • Step 7, installation and authorization
  • Configuration and parameterization of the hardware
  • Program editor in Step 7
  • Block types and structured programming
  • Logical functions
  • Comparators, counters and timers
  • Diagnosis and program testing
  • Symbolic addressing
  • Storage of data in memories and data blocks
  • Analogue value management
  • Introduction to Profibus DP


  • Programmers who are used to PLC and PLC programming.
  • Feel free to complete the web training PLCs for beginners as a preparation for this training. You will receive a link for logging in to the online course PLCs for beginners in your booking confirmation for this course.


  • The training material is in Swedish. The practical exercises are carried out on the Simatic S7-300.


23,700 SEK


Participant feedback

We ask the participants in our training to evaluate it on a set of criteria. Their average feedback on the “overall satisfaction” we publish for your information.

full starfull starfull starfull starfull star (4.7 of 5 for 12 ratings)