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Training Support Office

Siemens Training Nederland


Den Haag
Prinses Beatrixlaan 800
2595 BN Den Haag
Werner von Siemensstaat 1
2712 PN Zoetermeer

Tel: +31 (0) 70 333 3900

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Solution Partner Factory Automation workshop (SOPWS)
Solution partner Factory Automation workshop. The SOP recertification is held once in every two years as a part of the Siemens solution partner program. In order to pass...
en FI
en FI


Opcenter APS User and Configuration / Opcenter Scheduling 功能培训和扩展培训(基础) (F5205)
This course is designed to provide a basic understanding of the Opcenter Scheduling User and the Opcenter Scheduling. All members of the project implementation...
zh CN
zh CN


In-Situ Gas Analyzer LDS 6 and SITRANS SL Operation and maintenance (SC-G-LAS)
Operation and commissioning Diagnostics Sensor-alignment, fiber optics Measurement within NIR Trouble shooting and replacement of spare parts Service personnel Project...
en DE
en DE


Online-Training - Basics Dosieren mit Siwarex WP351 (SC-WT-DON)
The participants learn how to start up a dosing system with SIWAREX WP351. The parameterization takes place via the web server newly created for SIWAREX. Technical...
de DE
de DE


Maintenance and operation of 3WA circuit breakers (LV-3WAMAIN)
There are 3 course modules offered. (LV-3WLMAIN, LV-3WAMAIN and LV-COPR), which can also be booked individually. Recommended combinations are shown in the learning...
en DE
en DE


Flow Technology – SITRANS FM MAG8000 (SC-PI-FMAG)
Get closer to our high accuracy and reliable smart water flowmeters! The SITRANS FM MAG 8000 portfolio features a basic version for general water applications or an...
en DE
en DE


SITRANS Füllstand Update (SC-PI2-LEV)
Presentation of new product lines – SITRANS LT500, SITRANS LR5xx, SITRANS LCS100 Possibility to experience the devices functionally Technical in-house Sales Technical...
de DE
de DE


SINAMICS G120 – Messa in servizio e parametrizzazione (DR-G12-PM)
In questo corso apprenderai il modo corretto di mettere in funzione l’inverter e gestire l’impostazione dei parametri. È possibile eseguire un backup dei dati e adottare...
it IT
it IT


Diagnostica e service SIMOTION e SINAMICS S120 (MC-SMO-DG)
In this course, you will learn the proper way to handle system SIMOTION and SINAMICS S120 when a fault occurs. Based on prepared projects, you will analyze signal...
it IT
it IT


Visual Basic Script in der SIMATIC-Welt (ST-VBSCR)
Der Kurs zeigt die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Visual Basic-Script in den Automatisierungssystemen SIMATIC WinCC und SIMATIC PCS 7 auf. Sie lernen die Grundlagen der...
de DE
de DE


Online-Training - SINAMICS and SIMOTICS - Basics of Drive Technology (DR-BASIC)
This online-course provides extensive basic information for activities in the field of electrical drive technology. This is an advantage both in commissioning and...
en DE
en DE


SINAMICS G120 Commissioning and Service / SINAMICS G120 服务与调试课程 (D7210)
This course shows you how to handle the SINAMICS G120 inverter using Software Startdrive within the TIA Portal. After the course you are able to be correctly commission...
en, zh CN
en, zh CN


SIMATIC TIA Portal Programmering 1 for PLS (TIA-PRO1)
You can deepen your theoretical knowledge with numerous practical exercises on a TIA system model. This consists of a SIMATIC S7-1500 automation system, ET200SP...
no NO
no NO


Service e Startup do Sinamics G120 (DR-G12-PM)
Neste curso, o participante adquire o conhecimento necessário para a configuração e startup do SINAMICS G120. Os exercícios práticos são realizados em kit’s didáticos...
pt BR
pt BR


Sinumerik ONE Service Training (NC-ONE-SK)
This course teaches you how to maintain and service a SINUMERIK ONE with operator interface SINUMERIK Operate. This course teaches you how to maintain and service a...
sv SE
sv SE


Operational Technology Training, kyberturva tehdasjärjestelmissä (OT-TTURVA)
Kyberturvakoulutus OT-järjestelmiin liityen. Mitä kaikkea kyberturva IT-OT rajapinnassa vaatii, mitä tulee ottaa huomioon, mitkä direktiivit liittyvät asiaan, oikeat...
fi FI
fi FI


Online training: TIA Portal Openness Programming 2 (DI-OPEN2)
TIA Portal Openness is the API or programming interface provided with the TIA Portal, with which you can efficiently automate engineering tasks without using the TIA...
mu, en, fr, nl BE
mu, en, fr, nl BE


SIPROTEC 4 basiscursus met DIGSI 4 (H-SIPBAS)
In deze tweedaagse cursus leert u hoe u het softwarepakket DIGSI installeert op uw PC en hoe u communiceert met de diverse beveiligingen uit de SIPROTEC 4 reeks. Tijdens...
nl NL
nl NL


This course will give you knowledge for the configuration and commissioning of the SINUMERIK ONE, as well as the knowledge to create and test different plant...
de DE
de DE


Diagnostics and Optimization of Industrial Networks with SCALANCE (IK-DIAOPTS)
A reliable, robust network is the backbone of any modern industrial enterprise. Since the network requirements can change over the life cycle of a plant, or other...
en BE
en BE


Online Training - Fortgeschrittene Batterieproduktion und Digitalisierung (BAT-PROD-2)
Participants will acquire advanced knowledge in battery production, digitalization, quality assurance and battery circular economy and apply it practically to...
de DE
de DE


On line-Training OPC UA con controllori SIMATIC (IK-OPCCTRL)
OPC UA is an open standard for horizontal machine-to-machine communication (M2M) and vertical communication from machine to cloud. It is manufacturer- and...
it IT
it IT


SIMATIC S7 TIA Portal com S7-1500 - Programação 1 - SENAI CIEMG - Centro Industrial e Empresarial de Minas Gerais. (TIA-PRO1_SENAI_CIEMG)
Este curso tem como objetivo fornecer a base de Programação do CLP S7-1500 com o uso da Ferramenta de Programação SIMATIC TIA PORTAL. Em todos os tópicos abordados são...
pt BR
pt BR


SITRANS TDL Bedienung und Wartung (SC-G-TDL)
Operation and commissioning Diagnostics Sensor-alignment Measurement settings Trouble shooting and replacement of spare parts Service personnel Project managers, project...
de DE
de DE


Treinamento on-line: Modelamento básico de simulador de plantas e processos - SIMIT. (SIMIT_ONL)
Este curso tem por objetivo fornecer um conhecimento básico sobre o modelamento de um simulador de plantas e processos utilizando CLPs configurados no Step7 V5.6 SP2 e...
pt BR
pt BR


On line-Training SIMATIC S7-1500 Programmazione 1 in TIA Portal (TIA-PRO1)
The Totally Integrated Automation Portal (TIA Portal) forms the work environment for integrated engineering with SIMATIC STEP 7 and SIMATIC WinCC. In this first part of...
it IT
it IT


S7 Programming 1 Course (ST-PRO1)
This course is primarily aimed at personnel who program other vendors PLCs and are looking to migrate their skills onto the S7 CPU. It is also particularly suitable for...
en GB
en GB


Online-Training - Basics Inbetriebnahme Mechanik (SC-WT-BMC)
The participants get in-depth knowledge of the mechanical structure of an electromechanical balance. The contents of the training are the load cells and accessories...
de DE
de DE


SINAMICS DCM - Parameterizing and Commissioning (DR-DCM-PM)
Your area of responsibility includes the commissioning of SINAMICS DCM DC drives. Modern power converters offer a variety of functions and setting options. A targeted...
de, mu, en, fr, nl BE
de, mu, en, fr, nl BE


SINAMICS S120 - Parametrieren und Optimieren (DR-S12-OPT)
In diesem Kurs lernen Sie die Regelungsstruktur des Antriebssystems SINAMICS S120 zu optimieren. Damit können Sie die höchste Dynamik der Antriebsachsen erreichen. Sie...
de DE
de DE


Online-Training - SIMIT in Process Automation (ST-PCS7SIM)
In this online course in a virtual classroom you will get to know the software by using the simulation software SIMIT and get an overview of the functions and libraries...
en DE
en DE


SIMATIC PCS neo System Training for beginners / SIMATIC PCS neo 基础课程 (A7501)
With the help of this course, you will become familiar with the system concept and the general system structure of SIMATIC PCS neo. You will configure the automation...
zh CN
zh CN


Sinumerik 840D sl service fortsättning (840DSLSERF)
Denna utbildning är avsedd för service- och underhållspersonal som har gått utbildningen Sinumerik 840D sl service och önskar ännu mer hands-on kunskaper i felsökning...
sv SE
sv SE


PCS7 Advanced OS Engineering (ST-PCS7OSE)
As SIMATIC PCS 7 Engineer you will learn in this course the potential of the SIMATIC PCS 7-process control software with focus on OS configuration and design of graphic...
mu, en, fr, nl BE
mu, en, fr, nl BE


SIMATIC WinCC Unified 3, Aufbaukurs (TIA-UWCC3)
SIMATIC WinCC Unified as a visualization system in the TIA Portal. The system impresses with its use of native web technologies, which you will become acquainted with in...
de DE
de DE


Desigo PXC 4/5/7 & Control point ABT Site (BT-DE-PXC)
Na het volgen van deze cursus beschikt de deelnemer over alle noodzakelijke theoretische en praktische kennis om de navolgende werkzaamheden uit te voeren. Het kunnen...
nl NL
nl NL


SIMATIC WinCC Unified & Unified Comfort Panels, System Course (TIA-UWCC1)
SIMATIC WinCC Unified is the new visualization system in the TIA Portal. The system convinces through the use of native web technologies, which are introduced to you in...
da DK
da DK


TIA Portal Openness Programmierung 2 (DI-OPEN2)
TIA Portal Openness is the API or programming interface provided with TIA Portal, with which you can efficiently automate engineering tasks without using the TIA Portal...
de DE
de DE


SIMATIC WinCC maschinennah im TIA Portal 2, Aufbaukurs (TIA-WCCM2)
Sie haben den Systemkurs „SIMATIC WinCC maschinennah im TIA Portal (TIA-WCCM1)“ besucht und möchten Ihr Wissen und Können weiter ausbauen. Fernwarten, schneller...
de DE
de DE


Online-Training - SIMATIC Programmieren 1 mit SCL in TIA Portal (TIA-SCL1)
The Totally Integrated Automation Portal (TIA Portal) provides the working environment for end-to-end engineering with SIMATIC STEP 7 and SIMATIC WinCC. Select this...
de DE
de DE


Online-Training - SIMATIC Programming 1 with SCL in TIA Portal (TIA-SCL1)
The Totally Integrated Automation Portal (TIA Portal) provides the working environment for end-to-end engineering with SIMATIC STEP 7 and SIMATIC WinCC. Select this...
en DE
en DE


Online-Training - Ethernet Fundamentals in Industrial Networks (IK-ETHBAS)
The Online training Industrial Ethernet Fundamentals provides a broad overview in network technology and mechanisms which are the foundation of today's digital...
en DE
en DE


TIA Portal Openness Programmierung 1 (DI-OPEN1)
TIA Portal Openness is the API or programming interface provided with TIA Portal, with which you can efficiently automate engineering tasks without using TIA Portal...
de DE
de DE


Introduzione alla Totally Integrated Automation nella Digital Industry (TIA-INTRO)
Digital Enterprise, your path to Industry 4.0 - discover your possibilities. Today's technologies are so complex that, in order to keep up to date, it is almost...
it IT
it IT


SIMATIC Programming 2 in the TIA Portal (TIA-PRO2)
The Totally Integrated Automation Portal (TIA Portal) forms the work environment for integrated engineering with SIMATIC STEP 7 and SIMATIC WinCC. The second part of the...
en CA
en CA


Master Drive 6SE70 - Service and Commissioning (DR-MD-1H)
DR-MD-1H (Old Course Code - SD-MDVC) This compact course provides comprehensive knowledge of the control version Vector Control. This course is especially suitable for...
en ZA
en ZA


Maintenance and operation of 3WL circuit breakers (LV-3WLMAIN)
There are 3 course modules offered. (LV-3WLMAIN, LV-3WAMAIN and LV-COPR), which can also be booked individually. Recommended combinations are shown in the learning...
en DE
en DE


Voorbereiding-oefenexamen Service Technician met TIA Portal (TIA-SERVVE)
Vaardigheden en kennis volgens het traject SIMATIC S7 Service Technician met TIA-Portal. Oefenen met de onderwerpen die op het examen worden gevraagd. Leerpad Service...
nl NL
nl NL


Certificazione SITRAIN Italian Certification Program BASIC per privatisti (ICP-BX)
During this day you will take the exam to obtain the SITRAIN Italian Certification Program BASIC certification. Upon successful completion of the evaluation exam: You...
it IT
it IT


SIMATIC S7-TIA Migrering fra S7 til TIA (TIA-SYSUP)
You can deepen your theoretical knowledge with numerous practical exercises on a TIA system model. This consists of a SIMATIC S7-1500 automation system, ET200...
no NO
no NO