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Training Support Office

Siemens Training Nederland


Den Haag
Prinses Beatrixlaan 800
2595 BN Den Haag
Werner von Siemensstaat 1
2712 PN Zoetermeer

Tel: +31 (0) 70 333 3900

SIPROTEC 5 Basic using Digsi 5 (H-SIPBAS5)

  • In this two-day course, you will learn how to work with the DIGSI 5 software package on your PC and how to handle various devices (protection devices) from the SIPROTEC 5 series.


  • In this two-day course, you will learn how to work with the DIGSI 5 software package on your PC and how to handle various devices (protection devices) from the SIPROTEC 5 series. During this course, the selection and the way of programming a SIPROTEC 5 relay using DIGSI 5 will be explained. In addition, using a SIPROTEC 5 protection device present, it will be shown how the hardware is structured and how data can be read and analyzed in communication with this unit.

  • The course is not directly aimed at the functionality of a protection device or the choice of settings, although we will discuss some aspects of an example. There are product-specific courses for that. You will learn the features of the DIGSI 5 tool and become familiar with the characteristics of the SIPROTEC 5 hardware properties.

Type Face-to-face training
Duration 2 days
Language nl

Target Group

  • Engineers, commissioning technicians, and maintenance technicians.


  • - Determining, selecting, and including a SIPROTEC 5 protection in a project file based on the required protection functions via the Configurator and DIGSI 5 itself
  • - The structure of DIGSI 5 with the licenses and the way of working with the ALM
  • - Properties of a project within SIPROTEC 5 DIGSI 5:
    • Hardware and protocols
    • Linking measurement values
    • Linking functions
    • Matrix operations for inputs, outputs, LEDs, and hardware names
    • Communication mapping
    • CFC (Continuous Function Chart)
    • Displays
    • Test sequences
    • Stored data
    • Fault images (SIGRA connection)
  • - Connecting to SIPROTEC 5 devices
  • - Saving a configuration to exchange information with Siemens experts
  • - Reading out faults
  • - Setting the language
  • - Exchanging and commissioning a SIPROTEC 5 protection
  • - Flowing through and checking the settings


  • Participants are expected to be familiar with the basic functions of digital electrical protections and how they should be engineered.


  • Work is done in groups of 2 people, and to be able to follow the steps immediately during the course, Siemens provides a training PC per group. If you prefer to use your own PC, you need to bring your own PC with DIGSI 5 installed at a sufficiently high level due to licensing requirements.

  • Self-programmed software can always be taken home afterwards via a USB stick that you bring yourself.
  • The course has a strong practical character. Everything is aimed at mastering all the actions within DIGSI 5 that a technician or engineer must be able to perform for an operational protection.

  • If you need any further assistance or have more questions, feel free to ask!


1,600 EUR

