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Training Support Office

Siemens Training Nederland


Den Haag
Prinses Beatrixlaan 800
2595 BN Den Haag
Werner von Siemensstaat 1
2712 PN Zoetermeer

Tel: +31 (0) 70 333 3900

Siemens SIMATIC PCS neo System Training - Basics V5.0 (NEO-BASIC)

  • With the help of descriptive course documentation and in combination with accompanying e-learning offers, you will become familiar with the system concept and the general system structure of SIMATIC PCS neo.


  • You will configure the automation hardware including the distributed I/O with digital and analog signals in PCS neo and test the function in a real training device. In so doing, you will become familiar with the functionality for processing digital and analog signals in PCS neo.
  • In addition, you will configure an imaginary model system step-by-step and commission it virtually. You will learn how to handle the PCS neo engineering tools including SIMIT and the virtual controller on the basis of examples and practical exercises.
  • After completing the training, you will be able to create, operate and test a simple yet technically correct and functional SIMATIC PCS neo project.
Type Face-to-face training
Duration 5 days
Language nl

Target Group

  • Project managers, project team members
  • Technologists
  • Configuration engineers, programmers
  • Commissioning engineers


  • Basics: System overview, new concepts, installation, certificates
  • Hardware engineering with AS CPU 410-5H, distributed I/O and PROFINET, engineering station
  • The first process object: Engineering in CFC with blocks, display in the Monitoring & Control view with block icons and faceplates, downloading the program
  • Basic automation: Equipment engineering with equipment hierarchy, process objects of the APL, including spreadsheet engineering with queries and Excel
  • Use of the virtual controller and SIMIT for integrated testing and virtual commissioning
  • Use of Control Module templates: Templates and template variants
  • Configuration of sequencers: Elements, interconnections for basic automation
  • Visualization in Monitoring & Control: Engineering of process displays
  • User/rights management: User management, access rights for Engineering and Monitoring & Control views
  • Multiuser engineering with session model: Synchronizing changes, locking objects and areas


  • Knowledge of the basics of process control engineering


  • Met software V5


3,280 EUR

