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Training Support Office

Siemens Training Nederland


Den Haag
Prinses Beatrixlaan 800
2595 BN Den Haag
Werner von Siemensstaat 1
2712 PN Zoetermeer

Tel: +31 (0) 70 333 3900

Cybersecurity risicomanagement Training voor leidinggevenden (OT-SEC)

  • How to comply to new cyber security regulations for operational technology.


  • Compliant to NIS2 Chapter 20.2 for companies with physical assets.
  • • Identify risk
  • • Assess risk management practices
  • • Assess their impact on the services provided
Type Face-to-face training
Duration 1 day
Language nl

Target Group

  • • Tactical & Operational Management
  • • IT management
  • • Plant Management
  • • OT managers
  • • Group Leads
  • • Automation Lead
  • • Security managers
  • • CISO & ISO / OSO
  • • other security seniors who need an update for Operational Technology.


  • → Governance
  • Learn about risk identification & mitigation, with respect to understanding both IT & OT. Gain insight
  • into relevant market standards & guidelines.
  • → IT-OT
  • Learn how technology fulfils business requirements, how they overlap and differ.
  • → What is OT
  • Learn how to convert jargon to practical insights to create awareness. Learn to understand the
  • consequence of controlling physical equipment and the corresponding responsibility from
  • management.
  • → Procedural/Organization
  • Learn how to get started business wise. What does a management framework look like. How to start
  • small but enable to grow based on PDCA circle for security.

  • • Learn about controlling physical equipment via a network
  • • Why IT and OT look familiar, but require a different approach
  • • Understanding priorities of security in OT
  • • Interpretations of Risk in OT, based on threat and impact
  • • Gain vendor neutral insight of new regulations for cyber security in OT and how to comply
  • • How to initiate and get started rolling out a security program for OT
  • • Compare ISO27000 with OT relevant directives


  • The documentation of this training will be in English. The training itself will be in Dutch.
  • The planned courses can only take place if there are sufficient registrations.


750 EUR


Participant feedback

We ask the participants in our training to evaluate it on a set of criteria. Their average feedback on the “overall satisfaction” we publish for your information.

full starfull starfull starfull starfull star (4.5 of 5 for 11 ratings)