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  2. Regional Workshops
  3. VM-PTOEM - Beschreibung

Online-Training - SPPA Electric/Control Technology Basic Course (VM-PTOEM)


  • This three-day course is based on SPS / TIA-Portal basic knowledge and extends it by different, more advanced aspects towards project planning and programming with the focus on the Daimler standard. The course is aimed at commissioning engineers, project engineers and programmers who deal with project planning tasks related to the Powertrain Standard in the assembly environment with S7-1500.
  • The aim of the course is to acquire basic knowledge for OEMs in the field of Powertrain Standard in the assembly environment with S7-1500 in order to be able to configure, commission and optimize systems and processes.
Typ Online-Training
Dauer 3 Tage
Sprache en


  • OEM of Mercedes Benz, worldwide except Germany
  • Participants from Germany please register for the german course


  • Basics of the hardware IPC477E and IPC427E (HW structure and control panel packages including presentation of the StartUpSets and libraries with reference to standardization
  • Presentation of the Daimler Powertrain specifications
  • TIA-Portal handling and advanced functions.
  • Introduction of the PLC program structure for plant control: TIA Portal style guide and building blocks in the template
  • Commissioning of the hardware PLC, IPC-Ghost, ET200SP, MPP
  • Programming specifications in KOP, GRAPH and SCL
  • Fundamentals of the networking concept and project planning of PROFINET and PROFIsafe components
  • Overview of visualization and message configuration with WinCC Advanced, HMI PRO and Transline
  • Structure of the function groups within the template
  • Interfaces and communication between PLC and HMI in connection with function groups
  • Use of actuators in the template
  • Autographs and hand graphs within the template
  • Upgrade from template to a higher version
  • Actuator/sensor modules in Simatic (robot/screwdriver)
  • Prisma, presentation of the sample project




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