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SITRAIN Kundenservice
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Leitfaden für die Registrierung (PDF download)

  1. Motion Control System SIMOTION
  2. MC-SMO-DG - Beschreibung

SIMOTION and SINAMICS S120 - Diagnostics and Service (MC-SMO-DG)

  • In this course, you learn to handle the motion control system SIMOTION and SINAMCIS S120 when a fault occurs. You can also adapt the control program when changes are made to the machine.


  • You are responsible for the reliable operation of the SIMOTION automation system and the SINAMCS S120 drive system.
  • In this course, you learn the proper way to handle systems when a fault occurs. Based on prepared projects, you analyze signal interconnection and programming. Using projects with deliberate faults and errors, you identify and resolve faults.
  • After the course, you can more quickly resolve faults and in a focused fashion. You can adapt the control program when changes are made to the machine.
Typ Präsenztraining
Dauer 5 Tage
Sprache en


  • Service engineers
  • Maintenance personnel


  • Overview of the modules and components:
    • SIMOTION automation system
    • SINAMICS S120 drive system
  • Working with PC programs:
    • SIMOTION SCOUT engineering software
    • SINAMICS STARTER commissioning tool
  • Structure and configuration of a SIMOTION project:
    • Axes, components and topology
    • Drive objects and technology objects
  • Establishing an online connection via PROFIBUS, PROFINET and Ethernet
  • Diagnostics with SIMOTION SCOUT and SIMOTION IT web browser
  • Analysis of enabling signals and signal interconnections
  • Recording signals with measuring functions and trace
  • Handling Safety Integrated when service is required
  • Procedure when replacing modules, motors and encoders
  • Introduction into programming when making adaptations in the case of service
  • Integration of SIMOTION SCOUT into the TIA Portal
  • Practical exercises on training equipment with SIMOTION D, SINAMICS S120, SIMATIC ET200S and SIMATIC TP177B


    • Basic knowledge of automation with SIMATIC S7
    • Basic knowledge of drive technology with SINAMICS



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