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SITRAIN Kundenservice
Tel.: +49 (0)911-895-7575

Leitfaden für die Registrierung (PDF download)

SIMATIC PCS 7 Service 1 (ST-PCS7SR1)

  • The course is designed for personnel whose main area of activity is the care, servicing and maintenance of existing installations with SIMATIC PCS 7 control systems. The focus is on typical servicing skills such as replacing wear parts and obtaining diagnostics data.


  • The course provides you with basic knowledge of the SIMATIC PCS 7 process control system and an introduction to the processes of SIMATIC PCS 7 Asset Management
  • Through practical exercises on training equipment on which you will perform the work you would also carry out during live operation, you will be able to put your newly acquired theoretical knowledge to practice. This will enhance your learning success.
  • When you have completed this course, you will be in a position to quickly obtain comprehensive diagnostics data of a running SIMATIC PCS 7 system and will be able to carry out simple maintenance work without stopping the installation.
  • In this way, you will enable downtime to be reduced and this will increase the efficiency of your automation system.
Typ Präsenztraining
Dauer 5 Tage
Sprache en


  • Maintenance personnel, service personnel


  • Initial activities when servicing a running system
  • SIMATIC PCS 7 documentation and online support
  • Basics of SIMATIC PCS 7
  • Basics of fieldbus systems used
  • Procurement of diagnostics data with the SIMATIC diagnostics tool
  • Introduction to integrated asset management with SIMATIC PCS 7
  • Reading out diagnostics data on the SIMATIC PCS 7 hardware
  • Exchanging modules and components during running operation
  • Handling data and project backups and creating and importing backup images


    • Grundkenntnisse der Elektro-, Regelungs- und Steuerungstechnik, sowie in der Prozessleittechnik

