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Leitfaden für die Registrierung (PDF download)

SINUMERIK 840D sl Optimization for SINAMICS S120 (NC-84SLOPT)

  • This course deals with the optimization of the drive system SINAMICS S120 in conjunction with the cnc SINUMERIK 840D sl.


  • This course deals with the optimization of the drive system SINAMICS S120 in conjunction with the cnc SINUMERIK 840D sl.
  • On completion of the course, you will be able to adapt the drives optimally to the machine tool. You will become familiar with the interaction of SINUMERIK and SINAMICS and will thus be able to make optimal use of the system's dynamics. This will enable you to increase the productivity of your machine.
Typ Präsenztraining
Dauer 5 Tage
Sprache en


  • Commissioning engineers
  • Engineering personnel
  • Service personnel
  • Maintenance personnel


  • Procedures for the optimization of feed drives in conjuction with SINUMERIK 840D sl
  • Control-loop structures of feed drives
  • Functionality of position, speed and current control loop
  • Usage of current control filters depending on the mechanical system
  • Optimization using step response and frequency response analysis
  • Usage of the diagnostic tool Trace for the recording of internal signals
  • Optimization of the positioning behaviour using feed forward control and jerk limitation
  • Adjustment of two interpolating axes with the help of the on-board circularity test
  • Introduction into the Automatic Servo Tuning
  • Practical optimization exercises on training devices


  • Basic knowledge according to the course NC-84SL-SIP, NC-84SL-SK or NC-ONE-SIP, NC-ONE-SK.


  • This course is also suitable for users of SINUMERIK ONE.

