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Vanessa Bonhomme

Siemens (Proprietary) Limited


300 Janadel Avenue

Halfway House 1685

South Africa

Tel: +27 11 652 3206
Mobile: +27 79 882-4042

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SITRAIN access single Subscription (ACCESS-P)
SITRAIN access is learning in the digital age. It offers individualized ways to build your knowledge, along with access to exclusive digital training courses. Improve...
en ZA
en ZA


Modul 4: SITRANS FC430 Bestellung - Kapitel 2 (FC430-M42)
Lieferung von Lagerprodukten und Sonderanfertigungen Paketinhalt Modul 4. Bestellung – Kapitel 1 abgeschlossen Lieferung von Lagerprodukten und...
de DK
de DK


SITRANS FS Selling - Chapter 1 (German) (FS-M31)
In this chapter we introduce the product highlights, features and portfolio for the SITRANS FST030 What is new? Platform concept FST030 transmitter New ultrasonic...
de DK
de DK


Siemens e-learning NT 2: Transformatoren (NT_2_EL)
Je werkt op het gebied van elektrische energietechniek met motoren, transformatoren en/of generatoren. Dat werk doe je vast goed. Maar kunt u ook uitleggen wat...
nl NL
nl NL


Learning Membership - SITRAIN access Abonnement (SITRAIN ACCESS)
order now SITRAIN access is learning in the digital age. It offers individualized ways to build your knowledge, along with access to exclusive digital training courses....
en SG
en SG


PROFIBUS in process automation - the basics / 过程自动化中的PROFIBUS现场总线基础 (W1102)
You will learn about the basic properties of the PROFIBUS fieldbus, its application areas, become acquainted with the limitations of PROFIBUS in process automation, find...
zh CN
zh CN


Modul 1: Coriolis (FC430-M11)
Dieses Modul bringt Ihnen die Coriolis-Technologie näher Warum sollten Coriolis-Durchflussmessgeräte eingesetzt werden? Wie funktioniert der SITRANS FC430? Warum sollten...
de DK
de DK


Module 3: SITRANS FX330 Selling - Chapter 1 (FX-M31)
In this chapter we introduce the product highlights, features and portfolio for the SITRANS FX330. Introduction to the product FX330 versions Target...
en DK
en DK


Introduktion Desigo CC och verktyg (DCC A1 WBT)
Läs den sidan som du länkas till, detta är platsen du hittar alla Desigo CC verktyg för försäljning och dimensionering på DCC A1 Online utbildning Introduktion Desigo CC...
sv SE
sv SE


Introduction to the SITRANS P500 (P500-M01)
In this e-learning module you will get to know the main features and advantages of the SITRANS P500 Overview of the main features of the SITRANS P500 Detailed...
en DK
en DK
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