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Face-to-face training

Start-up and Service - SINUMERIK ONE (NC-ONE-COM)
Este curso fornece conhecimentos para planejamento de projetos e comissionamento do SINUMERIK ONE com gêmeo digital e em um kit de simulação, bem como o conhecimento...
pt BR
pt BR

Face-to-face training

Siemens LOGO! Logo Web Editor en Remote Access training (LOGO_LWERA)
Er zijn meerdere mogelijkheden om de Siemens Logo op afstand te benaderen. Rechtstreeks via het internet is het eenvoudigst, maar dan moeten er op de router wel...
nl NL
nl NL

Face-to-face training

SIMATIC TIA Portal Service 1 (TIA-SERV1)
The Totally Integrated Automation Portal (TIA Portal) forms the work environment for integrated engineering with SIMATIC STEP 7 and SIMATIC WinCC. In this first part of...
de, mu, en, fr, nl BE
de, mu, en, fr, nl BE

Face-to-face training

SINUMERIK 810D/840D Programming (NC-8X0D-PR)
In this course, you will learn how to program parts programs with DIN 66025 and selected high-level language commands. You will also learn how to create user...
tr TR
tr TR

Face-to-face training

SINUMERIK 5-Achs-Programmierung (NC-PRO5AX)
In this course you will learn how to program part programs with DIN 66025, ShopMill and ShopTurn with selected high-level language commands as well as the creation of...
de DE
de DE

Face-to-face training

SIMATIC WinCC Unified 2, Aufbaukurs (TIA-UWCC2)
SIMATIC WinCC Unified as a visualization system in the TIA Portal. The system impresses with its use of native web technologies, which you will become acquainted with in...
de DE
de DE

Face-to-face training

SINAMICS S120 - Diagnose und Service im TIA Portal (DR-S12-DGT)
In diesem Kurs lernen Sie Störungen am Antriebssystem SINAMICS S120 mit dem PC-Tool Startdrive im TIA Portal zu beheben und deren Ursachen zu ermitteln. Sie können auch...
de DE
de DE

Face-to-face training

Hätäensiapukurssi (8h) (EHS-ENSI)
Hätäensiapukurssi 8h Hätäensiapukurssin tarkoitus on antaa valmiudet henkeä pelastavaan ensiapuun, eli ne vähimmäistaidot jotka jokaisella tulisi ehdottamasti olla....
fi FI
fi FI

Face-to-face training

Sitrain Days - Siemens koulutuksen seminaari. Osallistuminen yhteen päivistä (SITRAIN DAYS 1D)
Uudenlainen konsepti, jossa suunnittelet oman koulutuspolkusi lukuisien vaihtoehtojen joukosta. Suosittelemme osallistumaan isommalla joukolla siten, että eri ihmiset...
fi FI
fi FI

Face-to-face training

SINAMICS S120 - Functions (DR-S12-PM2)
In this course you learn to put the converter system SINAMICS S120 into operation using the PC-tool Starter. You can adapt the parameters to the respective application...
de, mu, en, fr, nl BE
de, mu, en, fr, nl BE

Face-to-face training

SIMATIC Programmieren 1 mit SCL in TIA Portal (TIA-SCL1)
The Totally Integrated Automation Portal (TIA Portal) provides the working environment for end-to-end engineering with SIMATIC STEP 7 and SIMATIC WinCC. Select this...
de DE
de DE

Face-to-face training

Controller Communication for Industry 4.0 and IoT (IK-IPCOM)
With developments such as Industry 4.0 or IoT (Internet of Things), the boundaries between IT and OT (Information and Operation Technology) are becoming increasingly...
da DK
da DK

Face-to-face training

S7 Programming Course - Part 3 (ST-7PRO3)
ST-7PRO3 - S7 Programming Part 3 (Siemens Certified Programmer) The third part of the SIMATIC S7 programming training is based on the knowledge of the SIMATIC Manager...
en ZA
en ZA

Face-to-face training

SIMATIC WinCC, advanced course (ST-BWINOND)
The theoretical component is extensively reinforced with a practical client server installation to significantly increase your learning success on a practical...
tr TR
tr TR

Face-to-face training

SINAMICS S120 - Parametrointi ja käyttöönotto TIA-Portalin avulla (DR-S12-PMT)
Kyseessä on S120/TIA peruskurssi. Tällä kurssilla otetaan käyttöön ja parametroidaan S120 tupla-akseli käyttöjä TIA-Portal Startdrive ohjelman avulla. Opit S120...
fi FI
fi FI

Face-to-face training

Siemens Certified Programmer in TIA Portal (CPT-FAP)
You will deepen your theoretical knowledge with numerous practical exercises on a SIMATIC plant model on which you also take the examination. This consists of a SIMATIC...
de, mu, en, fr, nl BE
de, mu, en, fr, nl BE

Face-to-face training

Corso base SIMATIC S7-1200 e Certificazione SITRAIN ICP MICRO (ICP-MICRO)
The Totally Integrated Automation Portal (TIA Portal) for SIMATIC S7-1200 forms the work environment for integrated engineering with SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic and SIMATIC...
it IT
it IT

Face-to-face training

PROFINET mit SIMATIC Controllern (TIA Portal) (IK-PNCOM)
PROFINET gives you new ways to boost your productivity with four key advantages – openness, flexibility, efficiency, and performance. This course teaches you the...
de DE
de DE

Face-to-face training

OPC UA – Basics and Configuration (IK-OPCUA1E)
This training offers you a detailed introduction into the basic concepts of the OPC UA system and its interfaces. You will learn the terminology behind the abstract...
en FI
en FI

Face-to-face training

Corso SIMATIC S7 Service 2 (ST-SERV2)
The second part of the SIMATIC S7-300/400 Service course is linked to the first basic course with regard to SIMATIC STEP 7 V5.x, SIMATIC HMI, SINAMICS drive components...
it IT
it IT

Face-to-face training

OPC UA System Course (IK-OPCSYS)
This training offers you a detailed introdocution into the basic concepts of the OPC UA system and its interfaces. You will learn the terminology behind the abstract...
mu, fr, nl BE
mu, fr, nl BE

Face-to-face training

Advanced Switching and Routing in Industrial Networks with SCALANCE (IC-ASWIROS) (IC-ASWIROS)
Today, Operational Technology (OT) is responsible to control and monitor industrial processes and equipment. In this regard, OT networks play a key role in industries...
en DK
en DK

Face-to-face training

Diagnostiikka ilman ohjelmointia (SITRAINDAYS33)
Tutustutaan TIA-Järjestelmän kyvykkyyteen antaa diagnostiikkaa valmiiden rakenteiden kautta -Systeemi ja prosessidiagnostiikka -Trace -Webserver -Prodiag TIA-portal...
fi FI
fi FI

Face-to-face training

Certified PROFINET Network Engineer (IK-PNOCPNE)
Mit PROFINET hat die PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation (PNO) einen offenen und herstellerübergreifenden Industrial Ethernet Standard für den Feldbereich definiert. Um die...
de DE
de DE

Face-to-face training

SINUMERIK 840D sl service (NC-84SL-SK)
This course teaches you how to maintain and service a SINUMERIK 840D sl with operator interface SINUMERIK Operate and HMI advanced. You practice service in exercises on...
tr TR
tr TR
10 25 50