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Siemens Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S.
Yakacik Caddesi No 111
34870 Istanbul, Turkey
Tel.: +90 216 444 0 747
Fax: +90 216 4593586

SIMATIC S7 Distributed Safety (ST-PPDS)


  • In this course, you will learn about configuring, programming, starting up, diagnosing and troubleshooting of the failsafe CPUs of the SIMATIC 300. These include the failsafe CPUs of the SIMATIC 300 and 400 series (no H systems) and the failsafe, distributed ET200 systems. The course provides an introduction to the creation of safety-related programs in the programming languages F-FBD and F-LAD.
Type Face-to-face training
Duration 3 days
Language tr

Target Group

  • Programmers
  • Commissioning engineers
  • Engineering personnel


  • Overview and guidelines
  • AS S7-300F (principle, system configuration and I/O)
  • Configuring of the failsafe I/O with Distributed Safety
  • Programming of a safety-related user program
  • Failsafe communication PROFIsafe (CPU-CPU communication)
  • Diagnostics facilities (CPU diagnostics, I/O diagnostics, advanced diagnostics)
  • Exercises for I/O configuration, communication, troubleshooting
  • Programming examples (emergency stop, protective door, safety-related shutdown, passivation, special programming features)
  • Deeper understanding of contents through practical exercises on the SIMATIC S7-300 system


  • Basic knowledge of SIMATIC S7 according to the courses ST-SERV2 or ST-PRO2


702 EUR
( price without 20% VAT )


Participant feedback

We ask the participants in our training to evaluate it on a set of criteria. Their average feedback on the “overall satisfaction” we publish for your information.

full starfull starfull starfull starfull star (5.0 of 5 for 2 ratings)