
Tomas Wahlström

tel: +46 (70) 8719741

Therése Fagerström
tel: +46 (8) 728 14 48


  1. Industriautomation
  2. Simatic PCS 7 & PCS NEO
  3. ST-PCS7ASE - Beskrivning

Simatic PCS 7 AS Engineering (ST-PCS7ASE)


  • As SIMATIC PCS 7 Engineer you will learn in this course the potential of the SIMATIC PCS 7-process control software with focus on AS-Engineering.
  • As important topics for advanced SIMATIC PCS 7 Engineers the Advanced Process Library (APL), the configuration of SFC-Types, as well as principles and methods supporting an efficient AS-Engineering are in the center of the course.
  • By practical exercises at training equipment you will put your newly acquired theoretical knowledge into the practice. Through this you increase your learning success.
  • On completion of the course, you are able to engineer a process automation optimally and efficiently.
Typ Utbildning
Antal dagar 4,5 dagar
Språk en


  • Project manager, project staff
  • Programmer
  • Commissioning engineers, configuring engineers
  • Service personnel, maintenance personnel


  • System design
    • Memory concept and system architecture
  • PCS 7 Project handling
    • Multiproject engineering and Multiuser engineering
    • Version Trail and Version Cross Manager
    • Access protection and Block encryption
    • License management
  • Mass data engineering using the Advanced Engineering System
    • New type conzept
    • Edit mass data in AdvES, creation of new control modules in PCS 7
    • Handling of optional blocks
  • Hardware configuration
    • Integration of Profinet
    • Integration of field devices
    • Update of the Hardware catalog
    • High-Precision Time Stamping
  • Efficient engineering
    • Libraries in SIMATIC PCS 7 V8.0
    • Extended User Authorization Concept
    • Run sequence and behavior when maximum cycle time exceeded
  • Advanced alarm engineering
    • Generating additional messages
    • Message configuration
    • Managing messages in SIMATIC Manager
  • SFC Advanced
    • Operating State Logic and state changes in SFC
    • Configuration of SFC-Types
  • Application of APC Library
    • Characterizing Control Loops
    • Overview of the APC tools in the PCS 7 Libraries and APC-Examples
    • PID algorithm
    • Control Performance Monitoring (CPM)
    • Controller optimization using the PID Tuner


  • Attendance of training course ST-PCS7SYS recommended
  • Basic knowledge of process control engineering
  • Practical experience in SIMATIC PCS 7 project engineering.
  • Basic knowledge of APL, as provided in the System course or in the APL-Workshop
  • You can use the available online entry test to ensure that the selected course matches your area of expertise.


29 900 SEK


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