
Tomas Wahlström

tel: +46 (70) 8719741

Therése Fagerström
tel: +46 (8) 728 14 48


  1. Industriautomation
  2. Simatic PCS 7 & PCS NEO
  3. ST-PCS7BAT - Beskrivning

Simatic Batch (ST-PCS7BAT)

  • Target group are project managers and assistants, configuring engineers and users of PCS 7 configurations in batch processes. They get knowledge about batch basics and the SIMATIC Batch interfaces to the automation systems and their administration.


  • Upon completion of this course, the student shall be able to:
    • Define the terms and procedural model according to the ISA S88.01
    • Define hardware and software requirements to implement SIMATIC Batch
    • Configure and use Simatic Logon
    • Configure phase logic in SFCType and CFC
    • Perform batch planning and configuration
    • Use the Batch Control Center
    • Create a recipe
    • Define and configure batch materials
    • Generate standard reports and messages
    • Run and manage a batch
Typ Utbildning
Antal dagar 4,5 dagar
Språk en


  • Project manager
  • Project staff
  • Configuring Engineers
  • Commissioning engineers


  • Batch terminology,S88 terms,SIMATIC Batch relationship with respect to AS and OS
  • Windows and BATCH Application Security
  • Basic procedure for developing, planing and configuring a SIMATIC BATCH project
  • Procedural model, operate the Batch Control Center (BCC)
  • Creating materials, assign codes and modify their properties
  • Recipe editor and master recipe
  • Production orders,batches chaining control of batch processing
  • Operate the BATCH Control
  • Operate the reports and archiving system


  • Prior attendance on the Siemens PCS7 System Course, i.e Simatic PCS 7 system grund standard (ST-PCS7SYS) or Simatic PCS 7 system grund intensiv (ST-PCS7SY1).

Övrig information

  • This training is run in English language with English course documentation.


29 900 SEK


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