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Kontakt Siemens Norge:

Hovedkontor Oslo

Østre Aker vei 88

0593 Oslo


Postboks 1

0613 Oslo

Tlf. +47 22 63 30 00

Mob +46 70 728 1570


  1. Søkeresultater for


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Digitalt kurs

"Online-Training" SIMATIC Programming 1 with S7-SCL in the TIA Portal (TIA-SCL1)
In order to provide you with the best possible support and training in your personal learning environment (own office/home office), we have implemented selected cour...
en GB
en GB

Digitalt kurs

Online-Training - SIMATIC Programming 1 with SCL in TIA Portal (TIA-SCL1)
The Totally Integrated Automation Portal (TIA Portal) provides the working environment for end-to-end engineering with SIMATIC STEP 7 and SIMATIC WinCC. Select this ...
en DE
en DE

Digitalt kurs

"Online-Training" SIMATIC Programming 2 with S7-SCL in the TIA Portal (TIA-SCL2)
... model Knowledge of SIMATIC S7 based on the TIA Portal corresponding to TIA-SCL1 or extensive experience with related high-level languages such as Pascal, C or...
en GB
en GB

Digitalt kurs

Online-Training - TIA Portal Programming Expert (TIA-PROEXP)
Choose this course if you want to become a SIMATIC S7-1500 expert using a higher level programming language (SCL). You expand your knowledge of the runtime and memor...
en DE
en DE
10 25 50