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  2. ST-PCS7SIM - Beskrivelse

SIMIT in Process Automation (ST-PCS7SIM)

  • In this face-to-face course you will get to know the software by using the simulation software SIMIT and get an overview of the functions and libraries in the process automation environment.


  • By doing exercises on original SIMATIC PCS 7 training devices and practical examples, you will learn step by step how to design simulations / models for testing PCS 7 automation software. The perfect interaction of all components integrated in SIMIT enables you to produce more in the highest quality over the long term and to establish new products on the market much more quickly.
  • On completion of the course you are able to:
    • create your own components and templates
    • to use the possibilities of effective engineering in SIMIT
    • to establish couplings between the simulation in SIMIT and PCS 7 automation systems that are emulated with PLCSIM or a virtual controller.
Type Kurs
Varighet 3 dager
Språk en


  • Project manager, Configuring engineers
  • Programmers
  • Commissioning engineers
  • Technologists


  • Interfaces to controllers or other applications
  • Introduction of the 3 simulation levels and their function
  • Creation of templates and efficient engineering by import functions
  • Working with libraries provided by SIMIT
  • Creation of own components using the Component Type Editor
  • Insight into the message system and the Automation Control Interface of SIMIT
  • Creation of small simulation prrojects
  • Configuration of a distributed simulation using the Virtual Controller


  • Basic knowledge of electrical engineering, open-loop and closed-loop control as well as process control technology.
  • Attendance of training course "PCS 7 System course" (ST-PCS7SYS) recommended
  • Practical experience in SIMATIC PCS 7 project engineering.
  • Basic knowledge of APL, as provided in the PCS 7 System course (ST-PCS7SYS)

Øvrig informasjon

  • Course language is English.


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