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Antonella Carlomagno: +39 348.9128142

Digital Industry Academy Training Manager


Interfacciamento SINUMERIK ONE con TIA Portal (NC-ONE-APT)

  • The course is set up for PLC development and programming personnel or for service and maintenance personnel. It provides an overview of the TIA Portal development environment with particular focus on SIMATIC STEP 7, dealing with specific aspects for the application with SINUMERIK ONE numerical control.


  • After taking the course you will be able to:
    • Understand how SIMATIC PLCs work
    • Use the TIA Portal development environment
    • Integrate SINUMERIK ONE libraries into the TIA Portal
    • Carry out the main diagnostic activities
Type Face-to-face training
Duration 2 days
Language it

Target Group

  • Commissioning engineers
  • Engineering personnel
  • Service personnel


    • Introduction to Siemens PLC
    • Introduction to the TIA Portal development environment: versions, compatibility, licenses
    • Workspace management: portal view and project view, toolbars, integrated help, HSP and GSD
    • Hardware configuration: catalog, network view, topology view, basic principles on PROFINET networks
    • Programming: program blocks, PLC variables, data types, control and forcing tables
    • Project management: opening, saving, archiving
    • Guidelines for advanced programming and standardization: languages, management of variables and constants, instances and muti-instances, optimized DBs
    • SINUMERIK toolbox: library installation, PLC Basic Program import, block management
    • Online connection and diagnostics: PG/PC interface settings, PLC connection, project download, offline/online comparison, trace and diagnostics
    • Library management
    • Integrate Create MyHMI/WinCC: installation Integrate MyHMI, installation Create MyHMI, introduction to WinCC, management of screens and templates

  • The theoretical knowledge will be deepened with numerous practical exercises.


  • Basic knowledge of numeric control systems.

