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Antonella Carlomagno: +39 348.9128142

Digital Industry Academy Training Manager


Corso di sistema Industrial Wireless (IK-IWLANSYS)

  • The course covers the basic physics of WLAN, and the various wireless standards and access methods. Throughout the course, you will learn how to plan, configure and operate wireless solutions in industrial applications, in interaction with real-time systems. Throughout the course, you will have ample time for practical exercises, diagnostics, and troubleshooting.


  • After attending the course, you can:
    • Comparison and coexistence of different wireless technologies
    • Security and high data rates in WLAN
    • Planning and configuration of different radio links, iPCF and iPCF-MC
Type Face-to-face training
Duration 2 days
Language it

Target Group

  • Plant Engineers
  • Control Engineers
  • System Engineers
  • Commission Engineers
  • Application Engineers
  • Operations or IT Network Engineers
  • Facility Managers
  • Project Engineers


    • Introduction to Industrial Wireless (IWLAN)
    • Wireless Theory
    • Antenna technology
    • WLAN access procedures
    • WLAN Standards
    • Radio field planning
    • Typical industry protocols
    • RCoax
    • iPCF
    • iPCF-MC

  • Theoretical knowledge will be deepened with numerous practical exercises on SCALANCE W devices.


  • Basic knowledge of the operating principles of the ISO/OSI model.


  • You can prepare for this activity through the SIE-learning 4.0 SIE-ETHBA preparatory courses.
  • At the end of the course you can deepen the topics covered through our SIE-learning 4.0 : SIE-IWLAN.

