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Antonella Carlomagno: +39 348.9128142

Digital Industry Academy Training Manager


  1. SITRAIN Italy
  2. SITRAIN SIE-learning 4.0
  3. LOGO!
  4. SIE-LG!ADV - Description

Corso avanzato LOGO! (SIE-LG!ADV)

  • Starting from the notions acquired in the SIE-LG!BA course, this second course dedicated to the LOGO! will allow you to acquire the skills necessary to use the LOGO! Soft Comfort environment in its medium complexity functions. You will face the organization in the development of a software. You will also be provided with the necessary skills to use the available tools, as well as hints on communication between multiple LOGO! and the use of LOGO! Web Editor. You will then get to know the main system diagnostic tools.


  • After attending the course you will be able to:
    • Organize a schedule
    • Create variable logs
    • Use the tools available for the LOGO!
    • Establish simple communication between two LOGO!
    • Work with the integrated web server (standard and custom)
Type Online-Training
Duration 4 hours
Language it

Target Group

  • Electrical installers
  • Maintenance personnel


    • System architecture
    • Advanced LOGO! menu settings (offline / online)
    • SD card management
    • Digital and analog signals: use
    • Analog blocks
    • Advanced use of the LOGO! display
    • Configure a UDF
    • Parameterization of VM memories
    • Datalog: creation of an archive
    • Access Tool
    • Network project
    • Communication between multiple LOGO!
    • Standard web server
    • Custom web server via LOGO! Web Editor
    • Program test and diagnosis functions

  • Theoretical knowledge will be deepened with practical exercises by accessing a remote system. This is made up of:
    • LOGO! Controller
    • PC station with LOGO!Soft Comfort


  • SIE-LG!BA course or equivalent basic knowledge.


  • This course delivery data will be decided together with you: please get in touch to, tell us your needs and we'll be glad to find a tailored solution for you!

  • Submit Training Request

  • At the end of the course you can deepen the topics covered through our SIE-learning 4.0: SIE-LG!CON.


900 EUR
Price for session up to 5 participants

1440 EUR
Price for session up to 10 participants

1620 EUR
Price for session up to 15 participants


SIE-learning Training Request

Please provide us with your data, participants option and desired date
