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Antonella Carlomagno: +39 348.9128142

Digital Industry Academy Training Manager


Interfacciamento SIMATIC S7 con SINUMERIK 840D sl (NC-S7-APT)

  • This course will provide you with a complete overview of the system and its features with the aim of operating on SINUMERIK during commissioning, maintenance and troubleshooting.


  • After attending the course, you can:
    • Configure a complete SINUMERIK NC system
    • Create and organize a project
    • Manage the PLC-CN interface
    • Carry out diagnostic and troubleshooting activities
Type Face-to-face training
Duration 2 days
Language it

Target Group

  • Commissioning engineers
  • Engineering personnel
  • Service personnel


    • General examination of the documentation
    • Structure and composition of the SINUMERIK numerical control system
    • Hardware structure and connection interfaces
    • Hardware configuration editor
    • PLC program editor (KOP, AWL, FUP, SCL)
    • Project creation and configuration
    • PLC-CN interface data blocks
    • Basic PLC functions
    • Diagnostics and troubleshooting

  • The theoretical knowledge will be deepened with numerous practical exercises.


  • Basic knowledge of the SIMATIC S7 automation system and the SINUMERIK control.

