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Yhteystiedot :

Tarvonsalmenkatu 19, Espoo

Derby Business park


Mr. Jari Rintala

Puh. +358 (10) 511 3794


Puh. +385 (10= 511 3100


Security in Industrial Networks with Simatic Net products (IK-SECIN)

  • De potentiella riskerna industriella nätverk är brokiga och de flesta vet om att riskerna finns men inte vad man bör göra åt dom. Denna tre-dagars utbildning "Security in Industrial Networks" visar dig hur man effektivt kan förhindra konsekvenserna av attacker på nätverken. Du blir förtrogen med skyddsstrategier och lära dig att tillämpa dem genom särskilda praktiska övningar och i slutet av kursen du kommer att kunna noggrant bedöma hot och sätta motåtgärder på plats. Om du klarar certifieringen i slutet av utbildningen blir du en "Siemens Certified Engineer for Industrial Networks - Industrial Security".


  • It is difficult to imagine day-to-day industrial operations without Ethernet connections. From large-scale production systems to the smallest Industrial Ethernet communication networks, nearly everything has come to depend on their reliability and security. The opportunities on the one hand are countered by risks on the other hand. Access by outsiders or manipulation in the network always has catastrophic consequences for production or in-house expertise. Therefore, functioning security systems are an absolute must.

  • In this course you will learn the potential dangers and risks in industrial networks and how to assess them. You will be shown numerous ways to improve the protection of know-how and process sequences from attacks, espionage, and manipulations. During the course you will become familiar with knowledge necessary to apply concepts mandated by common security standards. Because the course does not just cover theoretical security concepts, there is also ample opportunity to implement them in practical exercises.

  • Goal
  • At the end of this course, you will know the requirements and fundamentals needed to plan, implement, and provide support for industrial security measures.
Type Face-to-face training
Duration 3 days
Language en

Target Group

  • Decision makers
  • Planners
  • Sales personnel
  • Configuring engineers
  • Commissioning engineers
  • Engineering personnel
  • Project engineers
  • Maintenance personnel
  • Service personnel
  • Industry: COOs
  • IT: CIOs, network planners and administrators


  • Current trends and security risks
  • Defense-in-depth with Siemens - a holistic security concept
  • Update and replacement of security components
  • Potential threats in a network
  • Basic security measures (ports, passwords, protocols, etc.)
  • Cell protection concept
  • Access restriction
  • Connection of standard machines to networks
  • Remote access via VPN
  • Comprehensive exercises using the SIMATIC NET product portfolio



  • Certification (Siemens CPIN-LEVEL)
  • After the training course, you have the opportunity to become certified as "Siemens Certified Professional for Industrial Networks - Industrial Security". The certification examination takes place at the end of this training. As an option, the examination may be taken at a later time.

  • For further information, refer to

  • Please note that before the examination you have to identify yourself by showing a valid photo identification.


24,600 SEK


Participant feedback

We ask the participants in our training to evaluate it on a set of criteria. Their average feedback on the “overall satisfaction” we publish for your information.

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