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Remote Communication in Industrial Networks (IK-REMOTES)

  • Remote communication takes place around the globe. It has been used in the private and office environments for many years, and is now being used more and more often in industry. For this reason, the utilization of public network infrastructures is preferred, which by now provides comprehensive coverage virtually worldwide. However, these networks are unsecure transmission media, thus, the remote communication must be secured through the application of appropriate technologies.

    In addition to the basics of remote communication, participants will learn about network types and Internet access technologies, as well as network structures in remote communication. Using practical exercises you will put VPN technologies and SINEMA RC solutions into operation.


  • After attending this course, participants are able to plan and implement networks for remote communication. Furthermore, participants can install SINEMA RC solutions, put them into operation, and apply the solution with its capabilities and various functions in an application example.
Type Face-to-face training
Duration 3 days
Language en

Target Group

  • technical Sales Personnel
  • Plant Engineers
  • Control Engineers
  • System Engineers
  • Commission Engineers
  • Application Engineers
  • Service and Maintenance Personnel
  • Operations or IT Network Engineers
  • Facility Managers


  • Introduction to the basics of remote communication
  • Network types, network technologies and network structures
  • Learning about VPN technologies
  • Introduction to the system solution SINEMA RC
  • Procedure for the installation and commissioning of SINEMA RC
  • Understanding the function of SINEMA RC
  • Comprehensive exercises
  • Practical exercises


  • Basic network knowledge, e.g., transmission methods, addressing and transport of data, as well as a basic understanding of security topics such as IPsec or OpenVPN. Experience in handling the PG with a web browser and STEP 7 knowledge would be helpful.

  • It is highly recommended to attend at the IK-SWIROS course.

  • To prepare for the training, please work through the WBT Data communication with Industrial Ethernet.


  • Certification (Siemens CEIN-LEVEL):

  • Following the training, there is an option of taking a certification test. This test is part of the certification to become a "Siemens Certified Expert for Industrial Networks", which consists of several individual tests.

  • Please note that before the examination you have to identify yourself by showing a valid photo identification.

