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PCS7 Systemcourse (ST-PCS7SY1)

  • Som bruger af proceskontrolsystemet SIMATIC PCS7 lærer deltageren ved hjælp af eksempler og øvelser, hvor enkelt procesautomatisering af et anlæg fra automatik-komponenter til betjening og overvågning lader sig realisere. Dette systemgrundkursus formidler centrale SIMATIC PCS7-aspekter såsom transparens i det samlede system, anlægsorienteret projektering, datasikring og projekthåndtering såvel som det overordnede samspil mellem de forskellige systemkomponenter og værktøjer. OBS! Kurset gennemføres på engelsk og med engelsksproget dokumentation.
Type Face-to-face-uddannelse
Varighed 10 dage
Sprog en


  • System overview and architecture, including the various sub-systems for operating, monitoring and communication.
  • Review of the design concept from peripheral connection to the overall system access.
  • The design of the system of project and construction-oriented data handling.
  • Hardware configuration of AS, OS and ES stations.
  • CIR (Configuration i Run).
  • Network Settings.
  • Control of continuous processes with CFCs.
  • Control of sequential processes with SFC and SFC-Types.
  • User Function Blocks manufactured with SCL and S7 attributes.
  • Version Cross Checker (VXC).
  • Process Object View.
  • Import / Export option other configuration tools. OS compilation function and the OS Project Editor.
  • SIMATIC PCS7s operating and monitoring structure.
  • Faceplate, Block Icons and PCS7 wizards in SIMATIC WinCC.
  • User administration in SIMATIC WinCC.
  • Time synchronization between the AS / OS.
  • Horn function.
  • Plant Asset Management.
  • Distributed engineering (Multi Project).
  • Distributed solutions.
  • OS-Server.
  • OS-Multiclients.


33.200 DKK

