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Title and Description Language Country


Online-Training - Virtuelle Inbetriebnahme für Maschinen (DI-VIRTCOM)
Digital Enterprise, Your Way to Industry 4.0 - discover the possibilities. Today's technologies are so complex that training on the software and the appropriate training...
de DE
de DE


Online-Training - Optimale Datennutzung in der Fertigung mit Industrial Edge (TIA-EDGEON)
Use the data from your machines and systems to optimize production processes, reduce costs and increase uptime. Manage connected devices and software centrally, across...
de DE
de DE


Online-Training - Grundlagen der Digitalisierung in der Automatisierung (DI-INTRO)
Digitalization is the answer to the most pressing requirements of our time in automation – namely increasingly shorter update cycles of products and technologies, as...
de DE
de DE


Online-Training - OPC UA with SIMATIC Controllers (IK-OPCCTRL)
OPC UA is an open standard for horizontal machine-to-machine communication (M2M) and vertical communication from machine to cloud. It is manufacturer- and...
en DE
en DE


Online-Training - OPC UA mit SIMATIC Controllern (IK-OPCCTRL)
OPC UA is an open standard for horizontal machine-to-machine communication (M2M) and vertical communication from machine to cloud. It is manufacturer- and...
de DE
de DE


Online-Training - Optimal Data Usage in Manufacturing with Industrial Edge (TIA-EDGEON)
Use the data from your machines and systems to optimize production processes, reduce costs and increase uptime. Manage connected devices and software centrally, across...
en DE
en DE


Online-Training - TIA Portal Openness Programmierung 1 (DI-OPEN1)
TIA Portal Openness is the API or programming interface provided with TIA Portal, with which you can efficiently automate engineering tasks without using TIA Portal...
de DE
de DE


Online-Training SiVArc - Options of Automatic Visualization Generation (TIA-SIVARC)
How do you achieve plant-wide standardization of the visualization of user interfaces with a significant reduction in engineering effort? With SiVArc – by automatically...
en DE
en DE


Online-Training - SIMIT in Process Automation (ST-PCS7SIM)
In this online course in a virtual classroom you will get to know the software by using the simulation software SIMIT and get an overview of the functions and libraries...
en DE
en DE


Online-Training - Grundlagen Cybersecurity für die Industrie (ST-SECFAB)
The training provides an overview of protection concepts against current cyber threats in industry and how industrial plants and machines can be effectively protected...
de DE
de DE
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