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WiMAX in Industrial Networks (IK-WIMAX)

  • At times running any type of wiring to remote locations becomes challenging. The use of Wide Area Private Wireless systems makes interconnecting these locations possible. In addition these networks provide a great deal of flexibility and reliability for complex outdoor applications.

    With the training course "WiMAX in Industrial Networks" of the Industrial Networks Education - Certification Program, you will acquire the knowledge required to plan, implement, operate and maintain such networks.

    You will deepen your knowledge with practical exercises based on the RUGGEDCOM WIN product line.


  • Upon completion of this training course participants shall be familiar with wireless concepts, WiMAX technology details, as well as RUGGEDCOM WIN product line configuration. Participants will gain in-depth knowledge of modulation schemes, noise, interference, fading, multipath, WiMAX PHY/MAC and system provisioning.
Type Face-to-face training
Duration 2.5 days
Language en

Target Group

  • Technical sales personnel
  • Industry: COOs
  • commissioning engineers
  • project engineers
  • maintenance personnel
  • service personnel
  • IT: network architects and administrators
  • IT: CIOs
  • IT: service personnel


  • Wireless Overview
  • WiMAX Technology Overview
  • End -to- End WiMAX Solution
  • RUGGEDCOM WIN Network Entry
  • RUGGEDCOM WIN Service Flow & VLANs
  • RUGGEDCOM WIN Security
  • RUGGEDCOM WIN Monitoring & Troubleshooting


  • Knowledge according to course "Ethernet Fundamentals in Industrial Networks":

  • Participants shall be familiar with network topologies, Media Access Control (MAC), Internet protocol, data transport and associated technical vocabulary. It is also helpful if you are familiar with the principles of operation of switches and routers, as well as the OSI reference model.

  • To prepare for the training, please work through the WBT Data communication with Industrial Ethernet.


  • Certification (Siemens CPIN-LEVEL)

  • This training prepares for the certification "Siemens Certified Professional for Industrial Networks -WiMAX". A voluntary certification examination will take place at the end of the training. As an option, the examination may be taken at a later time.

  • Please note that before the examination you have to identify yourself by showing a valid photo identification.

