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Registration Guideline (PDF download)

  1. Learning Journeys
  2. NEO-SYS-LJ - Description

Learning Journey - SIMATIC PCS neo System course (NEO-SYS-LJ)

  • In this Learning Journey, you will learn how to implement the variety of engineering options in a structured and rational manner by using the SIMATIC PCS neo process control system.

    An optimal mix of guided live modules (online) and self-learning modules will provide you with all of the content important for your work and sustainable learning success. Various practical tasks in our virtual exercise environment throughout the learning journey help you to prepare for practical application. The learning journey provides curated on-demand content to support you in your own personal practice transfer..

    More information on Learning Journey


  • The content of this Learning Journey is designed to familiarize you with flexible workflow options. You will be able to configure the automation hardware including the distributed I/O with digital and analog signals in SIMATIC PCS neo and test the function in a virtual environment.

  • You will be familiar with the system concept and the general system structure of SIMATIC PCS neo. You will configure a simulated plant step-by-step, commission it and put it virtually into operation. You will handle the PCS neo engineering including SIMIT and the virtual controller on "PCS neo in the cloud". After completing the Learning Journey, you will be able to create, operate and test a SIMATIC PCS neo project technically correct and fully functional.

  • After this learning journey ...
    • you are familiar with the new process control system "PCS neo" with the current workflows and the associated information landscape.
    • you can create a PCS neo project correctly and the handling of the associated project management.
    • allows you to configure the hardware of automation systems, as well as the visualization.
    • know the features and programming options of the most important engineering tools.
    • you can adjust the operator station and evaluate the reporting system.
    • you have the knowledge of mass data engineering.
    • you will be able to apply multi-user engineering confidently.

Type Learning Journey
Duration 32 hours (2 weeks)
Language en

Target Group

    • Project manager, Configuring engineers
    • Programmers
    • Commissioning engineers
    • Technologists


  • The Learning Journey NEO-SYS-LJ (Level: Basic) consists of:
    • 6 live modules with each 4-5 hours
    • 19 self-study modules (approx. 8 hours)
    • On-demand themed content
    • Individual transfer support in the form of a 1:1 coaching (1 hour)

  • A Learning Membership to work through the self-learning modules and access to on-demand content is included for 1 year.

  • Topics:
    • Project Management
    • Device Engineering
    • Online Functions
    • Equipment Engineering
    • Signals
    • Simulation
    • PCS neo APL
    • Spreadsheet Engineering
    • Excel Add-in
    • Template Management
    • HMI Engineering
    • Late Binding
    • Project Cockpit
    • Multiuser Engineering
    • Controller Communication
    • Plant Operation


  • - Basic knowledge of electrical engineering, control and feedback control systems and process control engineering
  • - General project engineering experience in a process control system

  • Here the link to the the technical requirements:


