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Registration Guideline (PDF download)

TIA Portal Programmierung Expert (TIA-PROEXP)

  • Choose this course if you want to become a SIMATIC S7-1500 expert using a higher level programming language (SCL). You expand your knowledge of the runtime and memory-optimized creation of standardized building blocks for a corporate library. Using a practice-oriented exercise environment with a virtual model of a manufacturing plant, you will deepen your knowledge of the higher programming language.


  • After attending the course, you can do the following:
    • Indirect addressing of optimized data
    • Programming of reusable STEP 7 blocks based on IEC 61131-3.
    • Create versioning of blocks and user libraries
    • Program STEP 7 blocks with program-technical error handling and evaluation
    • Develop and implement in-house standards
  • You will deepen your theoretical knowledge through numerous practice-oriented exercises in our virtual learning environment. This consists of a SIMATIC S7-1500 and a virtual model of a production plant.
Type Face-to-face training
Duration 3 days
Language de

Target Group

  • Programmers


  • Reusable building blocks with optimized data access
  • Indirect addressing of complex data structures by using the parameter types ARRAY*, VARIANT and REF_TO
  • Versioning using typing in the project and global library
  • Block creation according to the IEC 61131-3
  • Use of ProDiag to generate block messages
  • Deepening of the SCL programming language
  • Deepening of the content through practice-oriented exercises on the SIMATIC S7-1500 and a virtual model of a production plant.


  • SIMATIC S7 knowledge corresponding to TIA-PRO2-LJ, TIA-PRO2 or TIA-SYSUP and practical experience in using the knowledge.
  • Basic knowledge of the SCL programming language according to TIA-SCL1 is mandatory.
  • You can use the available online entry test to ensure that the selected course matches your area of expertise.


  • In this course you will work with SIMATIC S7-1500 and software SIMATIC STEP 7 based on TIA Portal.


Participant feedback

We ask the participants in our training to evaluate it on a set of criteria. Their average feedback on the “overall satisfaction” we publish for your information.

full starfull starfull starfull starfull star (4.7 of 5 for 22 ratings)