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Registration Guideline (PDF download)

  1. SIMOTION Motion Control System
  2. MC-SMO-PA - Description

SIMOTION - Programming Advanced (MC-SMO-PA)


  • Building on the knowledge gained in the programming course MC-SMO-PM, you will learn the advanced programming facilities using TIA-SCOUT with Structured Text and Motion Control Chart.
  • The applications for the technologies are reinforced using selected examples on our exercise equipment.
  • On completion of the course, you will be able to create parameterizable blocks such as FCs and FBs with the help of the Structured Text language. With knowledge of the cam plate function, you will be able to parameterize and program cam plate synchronization.
  • This extends your scope for creating programs for your production machine.
Type Face-to-face training
Duration 5 days
Language en

Target Group

  • Programmers
  • Commissioning engineers, configuring engineers


  • Introduction to creating user programs with Structured Text
  • Creating variables and data structures in ST-Units
  • Creating re-usable blocks (FCs and FBs)
  • Programming commands for motion control
  • Creating cam plates with CAM EDIT and using system functions
  • Parameterizing and programming cam plate synchronization
  • Overview of communication with OPC and UDP
  • Practical exercises with TIA-SCOUT using application examples


  • SIMOTION knowledge according to the courses MC-SMO-PM or MC-SMO-DG

