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Online-Training - SINAMICS S210 - Parametrieren und Service (DR-S210)

  • In this course, you will learn how to parameterize SINAMICS S210 [6SL5…] drives and how to handle fault messages.


  • In this course, you will learn how to correctly and safely parameterize SINAMICS S210 [6SL5…] drives and how to handle fault messages. Based on various scenarios, you will practice suitable measures such as parameterizing, data backup, replacing components and recommissioning.
Type Online-Training
Duration 2 days
Language de

Target Group

  • Commissioning personnel
  • Service personnel
  • Maintenance personnel


  • Design and principle of operation of the SINAMICS S210 [6SL5…] converter system
  • Parameterizing and commissioning with Startdrive
  • One-Button-Tuning
  • Integrated safety functions (Safety Integrated)
  • Communication with SIMATIC via technology object “axis” and PROFINET
  • Data backup with Startdrive on PC and memory card
  • Procedure when troubleshooting and recommissioning
    • Analysis of alarms and fault messages
    • Read-out of the diagnostics memory
    • Tracing signals using the trace function
  • Procedure when replacing:
    • Converter and motor
    • Components with safety functions (Safety Integrated)
  • Practical exercises using the training device with SINAMICS S210


  • Basic knowledge of drive technology
  • Basic knowledge of the SIMATIC TIA Portal (according one of the courses TIA-SERV1, TIA-PRO1 or TIA-SYSUP)


Participant feedback

We ask the participants in our training to evaluate it on a set of criteria. Their average feedback on the “overall satisfaction” we publish for your information.

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