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  1. Learning Journeys
  2. ST-PCS7SYS-LJ - Description

Learning Journey - SIMATIC PCS 7 Systemtraining (ST-PCS7SYS-LJ)

  • In this Learning Journey, you will learn how to implement the variety of engineering options in a structured and rational manner by using the SIMATIC PCS 7 process control system.

    An optimal mix of guided live modules (online) and self-learning modules will provide you with all of the content imperative for your work and sustainable learning success. Various practical tasks in our virtual exercise environment throughout the learning journey help you to prepare for practical application. The learning journey provides curated on-demand content to support you in your own personal practice transfer..

    More information on learning journeys

    Also available as online training

    Also available as face-to-face training


  • By doing exercises in a virtual training environment, you will implement software for the process automation of a plant right up to the HMI level. Features of SIMATIC PCS 7 such as integration of all subsystems, plant-oriented engineering, data management and project management are supplemented by advanced functions that enable efficient and cost-effective engineering with SIMATIC PCS 7.

  • Because of this integration you will be able to diagnose faults quickly and correct them with safely. In addition, projects can be created in advance in such a way that you can work with multiple application. This enables time-optimized and cost-effective engineering.

  • The perfect interaction of all components enables you to produce more in the highest quality in the long term and to establish new products on the market much faster.

  • After this learning journey you will be able to ...
    • Create a proper PCS 7 multiproject and configure the hardware of AS and PC stations.
    • Create user programs compliant to PCS 7 standards using the most important tools like CFC, SFC and graphical tools of the PCS 7 engineering toolset.
    • Bulk engineering using Control Module Types and their instances using the Technological List Editor.
Type Learning Journey
Duration 54 hours (4 weeks)
Language de

Target Group

    • Project manager, Configuring engineers
    • Programmers
    • Commissioning engineers
    • Technologists


  • The Learning Journey ST-PCS7SYS-LJ (Level: Basic ) consists of:
    • 8 live modules (4 live modules with 4 hours & 4 live modules with 6 hours)
    • 26 self-study modules (approx. 28 hours)

  • A learning membership to work through the self-learning modules and access to on-demand content is included for 1 year.
  • topics
    • System design and component specification
    • Project setup
    • Station and network configuration
    • Connection to the process
    • Basics control functions
    • Basics Operating and Monitoring
    • Implementation of Automatic and Manual Mode Control
    • Configuration of sequential controls with SFC
    • Customizing the OS
    • Alarm System
    • Archiving System
    • Locking functions and operating modes
    • Mass data engineering


  • Basic knowledge of electrical engineering, control and feedback control systems and process control engineering.
  • With the help of the available online entrance test, you will ensure that the course you choose matches your competences.


  • Course language is German. Participation in the learning journey is personal and non-transferable.
  • This learning journey mainly corresponds to the content and objectives of the learning events ST-PCS7SYS or Online training ST-PCS7SYS


Participant feedback

We ask the participants in our training to evaluate it on a set of criteria. Their average feedback on the “overall satisfaction” we publish for your information.

full starfull starfull starfull star half star (4.4 of 5 for 7 ratings)