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Learning Journey

Learning Journey - Fehlersichere SIMATIC Controller programmieren (TIA-SAF-LJ)
The course has been innovated and renamed, please follow the link to the new course: TIA-SAFETY-LJ (4 weeks)
de DE
de DE

Learning Journey

Learning Journey - Motion Control in the TIA Portal 1 (TIA-MC1-LJ)
You will program the SIMATIC S7-1500 or S7-1200 controllers in the TIA Portal. You will be able to precisely control the motion of axes with the integrated motion...
en DE
en DE

Learning Journey

Learning Journey - SIMATIC WinCC Unified 2, Aufbaukurs (TIA-UWCC2-LJ)
After this Learning Journey, you will be able to safely use the WinCC Unified System with Unified Comfort Panels and Unified PC Runtime and create your own HMI projects...
de DE
de DE

Learning Journey

Learning Journey - SIMATIC WinCC Unified 1, Systemkurs (TIA-UWCC1-LJ)
After this learning journey, you can properly use the WinCC Unified System with Unified Comfort Panels and Unified PC Runtime and create your own HMI projects with WinCC...
de DE
de DE

Learning Journey

Learning Journey - SIMATIC PCS neo System course (NEO-SYS-LJ)
In this Learning Journey, you will learn how to implement the variety of engineering options in a structured and rational manner by using the SIMATIC PCS neo process...
en DE
en DE

Learning Journey

Learning Journey - Programming Fail-Safe SIMATIC Controllers (TIA-SAFETY-LJ)
On this learning journey, you will learn to configure and program fail-safe SIMATIC Controllers with TIA Portal. An optimal mix of guided live modules (online) and...
en DE
en DE

Learning Journey

Learning Journey - OPC UA mit SIMATIC Controllern (IK-OPCUA-LJ)
Smart. Semantic. Secure. The open, Ethernet-based communication standard OPC UA (Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture) offers the best conditions for...
de DE
de DE

Learning Journey

Learning Journey - TIA Portal Programming Expert (TIA-PROEXP-LJ)
Choose this course if you want to become a SIMATIC S7-1500 expert using a higher level programming language (SCL). You expand your knowledge of the runtime and...
en DE
en DE

Learning Journey

Learning Journey - TIA Portal Programming 1 (TIA-PRO1-LJ)
The Totally Integrated Automation Portal (TIA Portal) forms the working environment for integrated engineering with SIMATIC STEP 7. In this learning journey of the...
mu, en, fr, nl BE
mu, en, fr, nl BE

Learning Journey

Learning Journey - Programming Fail-Safe SIMATIC Controllers (TIA-SAFETY-LJ)
On this learning journey, you will learn to configure and program fail-safe SIMATIC Controllers with TIA Portal. An optimal mix of guided live modules (online) and...
10 25 50