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Test: Siemens Certified S7 Programmer in the TIA Portal / 西门子S7系统开发工程师认证考试(基于TIA博途) (A7813CP)


  • The practical assessment involves the creation and commissioning of a complex PLC program with components of Totally Integrated Automation from SIEMENS. After passing the examination successfully you will receive a recognized certificate that attests your specialist knowledge.
Type Face-to-face training
Duration 5 hours
Language en, zh

Target Group

  • Programmers, Commissioning engineers, configuring engineers


  • Configuration of a SIMATIC controller
    • Applicative programming in a complex automation system
    • Programs for an automation system consisting of a standard PLC with distributed I/O, standard HMI device and bus system
    • Programming in compliance with IEC
    • Standardized user blocks
    • Creation and application of complex data structures
    • Variables of a composite and complex data type
    • System blocks
    • Indirect addressing of complex data structures and parameters
  • Industrial communication
    • Error diagnostics in a PROFINET IO system with an HMI device
    • Configuration of CPU-CPU communication via Industrial Ethernet
  • Human Machine Interface
    • Alternative message methods
    • Consistent transfer of entire data records (recipe management)
    • System error diagnostics with an HMI device
  • Motion control
    • Connection of drives
  • Connection of drives
    • Significance of security technology in the prevention of accidents


  • Completion of course A7811 and A7813


1,500 CNY

