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  2. Online Training
  3. IK-OPCCTRL - Description

Online Training - OPC UA with SIMATIC Controllers (IK-OPCCTRL)

  • OPC UA is an open standard for horizontal machine-to-machine communication (M2M) and vertical communication from machine to cloud. It is manufacturer- and platform-independent, supports extensive security mechanisms and can be optimally combined with PROFINET in a common Industrial Ethernet network. This training teaches you the basics of OPC UA and enables you to use OPC UA with SIMATIC Controllers.


  • You can configure SIMATIC S7-1200 and S7-1500 Controllers as OPC UA servers and program OPC UA clients in SIMATIC S7-1500 Controllers. You can secure OPC UA communication with encryption and authentication and create simple server interfaces with TIA Portal.
  • You will deepen your theoretical knowledge through numerous practice-oriented exercises in our virtual exercise environment Virtual Lab.
Type Formation distancielle
Durée 2 Jours
Langue en

Groupes cibles

    • Automation engineers
    • Programmers

Programme / Contenu

    • Basics of OPC UA
    • Configuring OPC UA servers
    • Programming methods
    • Securing OPC UA communication
    • Modelling server interfaces with TIA Portal
    • Programming OPC UA clients



  • Are you looking for a course that dives deep into the OPC UA specification and is not limited to controllers? Then take a look at our OPC UA System Course.

