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SINAMICS DCM - Parameterizing and Commissioning (DR-DCM-PM)

  • Your area of responsibility includes the commissioning of SINAMICS DCM DC drives. Modern power converters offer a variety of functions and setting options. A targeted approach will save you time and help you avoid errors. In this course, you will learn the step-by-step procedure for commissioning. You will use the STARTER software to carry out parameterization and data backup. By setting the parameters correctly, you support the reliable operation of the entire system.


  • After the course, you will be able to commission the SINAMICS DCM converter safely and efficiently. You will be able to adapt the parameters of the control system to the respective application and use the diagnostic tools in the event of a fault.
Type Face-to-face training
Duration 5 days
Language mu

Target Group

  • Commissioning/configuration engineers
  • Service personnel


  • Design and operation of the SINAMICS DCM converter:
    • Control module CUD, interfaces
    • Motors, power section with anchor circuit and excitation circuit
  • Parameterization, data backup and diagnosis with:
    • PC program STARTER
    • Operator panels BOP20 and AOP30
  • Procedure for commissioning and function check
  • Functional diagrams: setpoint channel, inputs and outputs, free function blocks
  • Control signals and internal signal interconnection using BiCo technology
  • Optimization of the control by means of automatic measuring methods
  • Extension with Terminal Modules and Sensor Modules via DRIVE-CLiQ
  • Analysis of the operating status by means of enable signals, warnings and error messages
  • Recording of signals by means of trace function and diagnostic memory
  • Drive-side interface to SIMATIC S7 via PROFIBUS and PROFINET
  • Practical exercises on training devices with SINAMICS DCM and AOP30


  • Basic knowledge of electrical engineering

